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Davidoff Signature N°1 (english)


Signature N°1


For this discovery, I called on the Doc and his DeLorean DMC-12, and we left for a trip in time...

We landed at Cape Kennedy, more precisely at the Cape Canaveral launch pad. In our sophisticated headphones, too much for the time we have to be discreet, we hear this funny message: Commander Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot and Michael Collins, command module pilot, this is Nasa; ready for the take-off?

This is the commander, the crew of Apollo 11, we are ready for a small step for man, a great day for humanity.

You will have understood, our very particular car brought us back to 1969; but why that year?

Doc suggests me to go back on board before being burned by the rocket's reactors, because the countdown has started : five, four...

There is a paper under the wiper: they had a peculiar way of putting parking tickets in a secure area in those years. But it's not that, it's a note that says: To get the answers, go to Geneva and find the white band ring.

As Doc turns the levers to communicate the information of our future destination, Ennio Morricone's The Man with the Harmonica echoes in my ears to focus on that famous white band.

The DeLorean drops us off this time on Rue de Rive 2, where a certain Grand Monsieur has a cigar store...

Name of Zeus! The ring: it's not a jewelry store we're looking for but a civet. And why the white band? Wait a minute: this gentleman with a funny accent, from a country that is being invaded, is Zino Davidoff. Doc, we have to go back to our time, but stay in Switzerland. Head for Basel to the headquarters of Oettinger Davidoff.

Hello, we are back from 1969 where we met different things that always bring us back to a famous white band.

Yes, as Apollo 11 flew to the moon, we launched our Classic No. 1; now it's reborn for you in the form of the Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition collection. This is the first launch in a series of 4 exclusive limited editions of the Davidoff White Band Collection, making it the perfect collector's item or gift for any aficionado.

The history of the Davidoff brand is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. Among these past innovations, this Panetela Larga with a pigtail was revolutionary and caused a sensation in the cigar world due to its manufacturing excellence and uniqueness. For many aficionados, cigars from this period are legendary creations that they remember. The Signature No.1 is a format and blend that has been lovingly reworked by the rollers half a century later.

I think it's the right time to let Neil go to the moon, and Doc to other adventures in time, to devote ourselves to the tasting of this remastered cigar.


As you saw above, I have a Panatela Larga cigar. It's not a coincidence that they decided to put this module back on the market in 2023; because this Panatela format has its moment of glory again: it is appreciated by aficionados and several brands make it their workhorse.

The head of my vitola is shaped like a pigtail, which requires an experienced caster. Its cape is a nice brown and has the famous white stripes that made the brand famous.

After officiating my cutting ceremony, I find that the air passes enough for a pleasant tasting. I also have the distinct impression that my tasting will immerse me in the vast world of cereals.

I am surprised at how easily the foot ignites on contact with the match.

Let's go ! We left for a moment of happiness; in any case that announces itself well this business!

From the first puffs, I feel torn: do I take off to Saint Yves (Cornwall) and its Barley Porridge or to Essaouira (Morocco) and its Tchicha soup? Or like Peter's Lost Children, will I go to an imaginary world (for me) and visit Scotland and its barley fields that are used by whisky distilleries? By the time I decide, I'm thrown back into my parents' old kitchen: in front of me a bowl of café au lait and a package of Pelletier whole wheat toast.

The noble oak is part of the game as well as a note of white pepper.

As I continue my investigations, I dive into a source of smooth cream with cane sugar.

While this one fades, a rise in power is strongly felt with a mutation without genetics of white pepper in red pepper. The oak also withdraws from this agglomeration of flavors to make room for its servant Mr. Cedar.


My tasting ends quietly not quickly. The House of Davidoff advises to share this cigar with a flavored latte; personally I would go faster to a Russian latte than to a gingerbread flavored latte. So I advise you to look at the flavors of your coffee before tasting it. I would go for a coffee and a glass of Amaretto Disaronno, and my friend Roch would go for a coffee with a glass of pear-cognac


The tastings were carried out on two Panetela Larga of 19.5 cm for a cepo 39.

Wrapper: Connecticut (Ecuador)

Binder : Hybrid 151 Seco (Ecuador)

Filler: Piloto Seco, Hybrid 192 Seco, San Vicente Seco (Rep. Dom.)

In conclusion: I always found that Davidoff Signature cigars were very well built but lacked a little something to fill me up; it is done with this unfortunately limited edition. By its length and the little kick in the last line, it is perfectly in my tastes and satisfying: no desire at all to smoke another cigar in the process. I invite you to go to your specialist of the brand to make your own appreciation. Don't delay too much, because there are only 150.000 cigars produced for the world consumption.

Price at the time of writing: 21 €.

Les dégustations se sont portées sur deux Panetela Larga de 19.5 cm pour un cepo 39.

Cape : Connecticut (Equateur)

Sous-cape : Hybrid 151 Seco (Equateur)

Tripe : Piloto Seco, Hybrid 192 Seco, San Vicente Seco (Rép.dom.)

En conclusion : j’ai toujours trouvé que les Davidoff Signature étaient des cigares très bien construits mais qui manquaient de coffre et d’un petit quelque chose pour me combler ; c’est chose faite avec cette édition malheureusement limitée. Par sa longueur et le petit coup de rein dans la dernière ligne droite, il est parfaitement dans mes goûts et rassasiant à souhait : pas du tout envie de fumer un autre cigare dans la foulée. Je vous invite donc à vous rendre chez votre spécialiste de la marque pour vous faire votre propre appréciation. Ne trainez pas trop, car il n’y a que 150.000 cigares produits pour la consommation mondiale.

Prix au moment de la rédaction : 21 €


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