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Ostara has pushed the polar bear towards the pole. Nature, which has begun its awakening since Alban Arthan (winter solstice), begins to bloom on the surface of our old Mother Earth. Everything is turning green, everything is budding, it is Alban Eilir. The Sun God is celebrated, we are in spring.

It is also the period chosen by the House of Davidoff to release the new Avo Saisons line, which will be made up of 4 series: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter.

As you probably know, when Avo U. made his great journey on March 24, 2017, the Parent Company changed its policy and little by little they stopped making cigars and packaging related to the life of this Great Man, while keeping the brand alive and active. And by releasing this spring range, symbol of renewal, more or less at the time of the anniversary of his passage to the other side of the mirror, I think it is a very nice tribute.





For the packaging, they opted for pale green and yellow colors; this mix reminds me directly of avos (avocados) from New Zealand or South Africa when they are cut at the end of their ripening phase.

We have wooden boxes with a plexiglass lid. On the transparent part we can see a multitude of small engravings identical to the logo of the ring: it is a stylized tobacco leaf that really reminds me of a lotus flower that opens in the spring sun.

For presentation, you can slide the lid on and rest it in the notch provided on the box.





The Diadema size cigar has a clear wrapper, quite silky and oily; it is enhanced by two bands. A classic for the brand, but this time in gray, white and black colors. A bit of a reminder: spring is here but beware, the 8 ice saints are still not over: Saint Mamert, Saint Pancrace, Saint Servais, Saint Boniface, Saint Sophie, Saint Yves, Saint Bernardin and Saint Urbain. Sorry, but I did the tasting in Normandy and as in our Ardennes, they are not satisfied with the 3 main Saints.

The second ring is green, silver and pale yellow, with the logo of the range and a beautiful tree leaf that begins to regain strength and vigor.

One last look at the tagline: In spring, new life brings new challenges and new opportunities for growth. The weather is warmer and the soil is full of nutrients. The smell of spring is present in this cigar.

And go for the tasting.

For the first one, given the size of my vitola and that I am indoors, I make a straight cut and I crack an Avo match (which are for me the best of the Davidoff range): the foot embraces to give me a good flow of smoke. I immediately detect in this one a feeling of spring flowers like the flowerbed that extended my parents' garden along the canal. A woody mix is also in the mix with a nice place for cedar and oak.

The intensity is medium-plus, but the flavors are perfectly balanced.

I am now entering a passage that takes me back to the initiation path near the monastery of Chevetogne with the ground covered with fat grass, the sides that meet like an arch and are covered with coffee and cream, all overhung by oak... In short, there is no need to say: spring is in the place!





You know I'm attracted to stronger cigars, and you also know I'm a big fan of the brand; well despite the lack of power, the balance and the feelings of the season found make me say I'm having a great time with this tasting.

I couldn't stop there! So I did a second tasting in the nature of Normandy; I can assure you that the magic happened! I had the impression that the scents of the trees, the few flowers and the birds' song came to sublimate my cigar even more. I was out of time, far from the present moment.

The tastings for this article took place on three Diadema modules of 16.8 cm for a cepo of 50.

Wrapper : Ecuador.

Binder: San Vicente seco (Dominican Republic).

Filler: San Vicente seco, San Vicente visus, Piloto seco and hybrid 192 visus (Dominican Republic) with one of the leaves that has been subject to aging for 14 years.

In conclusion: here is another cigar that I am happy to have tasted and that will certainly be regularly in my cellar, at least as long as I find some because there are only 40.000 cigars in the world. I had a great time and I can't wait to smoke it again on a sacred site.

Price at the time of writing: 23 euros.

Leave me your comments and feedback under this article.


  1. Merci pour la découverte. On ressent bien la démarche d’excellence qui part du packaging a la feuille de cigare, il faut espérer que chaque saison réservera sa surprise.

    1. merci pour ton retour , oui toutes les démarches sont faites pour honorer la saison


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