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Plasencia Ehtëfal Edition Especial Qatar 22 (English)



Edition Especial Qatar 22


We had a very difficult time globally for two long years; it was worse for some because we couldn't even comfort each other with hugs. But that should be behind us.

What is the first world event after these moments of crisis? Simply the FIFA World Cup, which once the first whistle blew, silenced the controversy and brought together people from all over the world.

This event inspired Nestor Plasencia who saw it as a celebration; not of soccer, nor of FIFA's business or its partners, but a celebration of getting together with family members, friends, cigar lovers and spending a convivial moment together.

I think it's important to make it clear: Nestor didn't create this cigar to celebrate the World Cup as a temple of football, but for the symbolism it represents as a gathering of people.


For the packaging, he focused on green, white, burgundy & gold, most of which are the colors of UEA (United Arab Emirates) and Qatar. Green & white also have symbolism that fits perfectly with Nestor's idea: fertility and peace. The fertility of family meetings or between aficionados; we exchange, we learn, we share... And peace, in general: we don't talk about angry subjects, no politics or religion...

Let's start with the box. The lid is all in green and gold; it includes the name of the brand as well as its logo, and the name of the range "Ehtëfal", which is an Arabic name and which means in French celebration in the sense of the festival. The box is sealed by a black ribbon that in addition to the classic communications as handmade, shows us a representation of roots that appeals to me.


To have explanations, it will be necessary to wait to open the lid whose interior is covered with a green cardboard also, hammered of roots on which rests a line like a rolled up cord, and inscriptions in two languages.

Just as the roots of the Nicaraguan and Honduran soils unite in this box, we all unite to collaborate in life with this special edition of Qatar.

An edition that carries with it five generations of effort and affection to obtain a tobacco of excellent quality from the union of two cultures. A union forged with passion that gives birth to excellent cigars to share and enjoy with all those you call my loved ones.




Then, the rings which are three in number with from top to bottom :

A classic ring with the small logos of Plasencia (a circle inside which is a P that is off-center, which gives the whole a spiral appearance).

The main ring, with Plasencia, the logo and Edition Especial Qatar 22.

Finally, the foot ring (the only one with burgundy color) which bears the name of the range.

Get out the drums, the maracas and the marimba: let's celebrate life with a Punta Music tune! So let's make room for the tasting...



When I arrived here I asked myself: apart from cocoa, oak, very creamy milk chocolate and red pepper, what can I say about this cigar?

I can already hear from here the rage, which arrived at this part, say "well shit! for the price it costs! Wait, let me finish. In fact, it is so well balanced, that it doesn't have a flavor that takes over: it is just right and perfect from beginning to end. So, don't look for a chronological order in the flavors I spotted: there isn't one. Before I start, I should point out that most of the tobaccos are 10 years old.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's go!

I have a wonderful wrapper that is a fairly dark brown, enhanced by the colors of the bands. The cigar is nice and full all the way through.

After a straight cut, the air flows well and I am already deep in the cream. The ignition is perfect with a foot that ignites, provides a reddish fire and a great stream of smoke. Not for a moment do I have any other sensation than that of a good aged tobacco, perfectly well aged.

I am in an oak grove surrounded by cocoa trees. The ground is covered with double milk praline chocolate that goes up halfway up the trunks, so much so that I expect to see the elephant from Côte d'Or appear at any moment.

A vault of red pepper encircles the whole and makes it a homogeneous agglomerate. The combustion is splendid. The perfect draw accompanies me throughout my tasting. A little after the half of the ring, the power goes up a notch, with a red pepper which is more present and which makes switch on the feelings, to pass from medium to medium-strong.


The white ash with grey streaks remained compact throughout the tasting.

I am surprised by the timing of this vitola's beautiful death. I didn't have to force myself to slow down. Smoking slowly this cigar is of an irrefutable evidence. You'll have understood: another cigarette butt that doesn't deserve to be thrown away but to be returned to Mother Earth.

The tasting of the day took place on a Toro of 15.2 cm for a cepo of 52.

Wrapper: Jalapa (Nicaragua)

Binder & Filler: 10 year old tobacco (Honduras, Nicaragua).

In conclusion: this cigar, produced in only 50.000 copies, divided 50% for the U.S. market, and 50% for the rest of the world, will join my Hall of Fame of cigars tasted since 2005.

Unfortunately, I think that its price will slow down some people. But frankly, if you have only once this year the opportunity to really treat yourself, I advise you not to miss this little gem made by Nestor.

Price at the time of writing: 65 euros.



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