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Meerapfel Cigar Uber Luxury Richard (english)

Meerapfel Cigar

Uber Luxury



I think I don't have to introduce you to Jeremiah Meerapfel anymore: you've already met him, or at least heard of him. But for those who want to refresh their memory, I invite you to read my previous article.

This time, we enter the big league, because the only lace we are going to make is on the rings. Jeremiah, like many people in the cigar world, is very attached to family and traditions; but he also knows that our civilization is in perpetual modification with new technologies always more grandiose. So he is going to build on that to make Uber Luxury, high refinement, and launch the first Richard line. It was natural to start with this range, since it was his father Richard, who gave the letters of nobility to the company with the tobacco of Cameroon since 1969. Richard creates the miracle of Cameroonian tobacco, establishing unique relationships with farmers, families and local communities. He is not only building the foundation of the most precious and sacred leaf, but also bringing unprecedented opportunity, hope and salvation to the people of Central Africa and Cameroon.

I will come back to this later (when explaining my tasting experience) but the ring of this range, which looks like lace, represents a tobacco leaf to mark Richard's contribution to the world of tobacco and especially with the leaves from Cameroon.

I have very few communications to give you about the composition, the age of the tobacco or the place of manufacture, because Jeremiah is not fond of this information. Not because he is overprotective of his creation against piracy, but more because he says that this information is of little interest for the tasting. I can therefore reveal that the cigar has a Cameroonian wrapper, that he used only aged tobaccos (already with the Estancia range, he showed us that aged tobaccos were not a problem for his company) and that they are rolled in the Dominican Republic. NOA: it takes very good rollers to make this kind of prestige cigar, few factories finish their cigars with elaborate heads; the Richard's have tails, the Meerapfel and Fuente families are more than collaborators, or even friends... that's all I need to assume (but it has never been confirmed or denied) that they are rolled at Fuente.


I have a silky wrapper with fine, pleasing veins running through it. It is highlighted with a ring, designed by a Belgian lace maker, that looks more like a work of art than a classic cigar ring. It's all in gold color with solid parts and a lace-like background. I'll start with this one: it embodies the representation of a large tobacco leaf (I'd lean towards a Cameroonian wrapper leaf). With its cut, it lets the brown of the real cape appear and it gives us a bluffing effect. In its center, like an alchemist's table or a magic square, are 9 gold bars that represent the 9 letters of the name Meerapfel.

On each side of the lace stands a column or a tower, if you have a magnifying glass you will see that this one is strewn in filagram of the date 1876. It is on this date that Meir II Meerapfel builds the first cigar factory of the Clan in Untergrombach in Germany.

In general, we like to remove the ring without damaging the cape; but for this one I also want to keep as intact as possible this work of art that will remain in my memories. So I'm looking at how I'm going to do it when the time comes. Jeremiah has thought of everything, there is a little tab that is superimposed, you just have to lift it delicately and it's done.


But it also attracts my attention: I take back my magnifying glass and I discover on it a lion. If Jeremiah is very attached to his clan, to his friends, he has never denied his convictions and his origins, the lion is one of the two acronyms of the clan because it is of great importance in the Old Book.

You can see that this time I played quite well on deduction and/or on my passion for symbolism; of course this is my own business and can in no way be taken as a formal truth.

I will finish by saying that on the back of the ring is the inscription Van Tintelen Printing Art, a Dutch printer well known in Europe for the realization of rings.

One last look at this venerable jewel and then I begin my cutting and lighting ceremony. The straight cut is done in a clean way that gives me a flat and perfect opening. When cold, my vitola of the day gives me flavors of fertile earth and wheat, dried fruit and coffee cream. I find that this blend is already very subtle and my faith hyper enjoyable.

The foot lights up properly when I set it on fire and gives me an admirable plume of smoke.

I am not surprised by the roundness and sweetness, typical of aged tobaccos, in this tasting they are accompanied by oak and caramel. I am now at the entrance of the spice market of Istanbul, where my Mamy asked me to bring her a mix of cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, you see this mixture known as allspice that is found in English pudding, gingerbread ...

A subtle blend that perfectly flavors my tasting.

After a good 5 centimeters, my Uber becomes subliminally unctuous, which would damn a saint. The retro-olfaction accentuates this impression of absolute happiness while releasing a fine film of vanilla.

I really don't have to force myself to smoke slowly because I want this pleasure to last and last.

Once past the location of the ring, which is perfectly and simply removed, a flavor of roasted hazelnuts is added to the others already described.

I am simply in Valhalla and I categorically refuse to come back down, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end and here I am, heading for my garden to respectfully deposit the cigarette butt on Mother Earth: what comes from the earth goes back to the earth.


This double Robusto cigar of 14.60 cm for a cepo of 52 is provided in an extremely light wooden box, with ten cigars per box: they are deposited on a luxurious tray which can be used as an ashtray.

Selling price at the time of writing this article 94 € each.

In conclusion: with its aspect, its design, its great quality as well visual as gustatory, I think that this cigar is out of the lot and I understand perfectly that it is not available in all civets; we are not going to buy a Maserati at the local dealer's, and considering the small quantities produced (only 6.130 cigars per year) the waiting list of the great houses recognized worldwide which want to market these jewels is likely to be long.

It took almost 150 years to find a Meerapfel cigar on the world market but it was worth the wait.

I leave you with Jeremiah: A tribute to our past, while respecting our future.


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