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CAO Amazon Basin Extra Añejo (english)


Amazon Basin

Extra Añejo


It was in 2017 that the crazy STG Amazon adventure began with the CAD version Amazon Basin.

For those who remember, Belgium was ignored for a while of this launch; then a few privileged or fast reacting ones were able to taste some, as the Belgian management got some boxes from the American market.

Since we are in the distribution schedule, but due to the limited number of boxes, they are only available in the 28 PartnerShip stores.

So we had the chance to discover the following versions: CAO Amazon Fumo em Corda, the CAO Amazon Anaconda and the CAO Orellana.

Today it's the brand new range that I'm going to have the pleasure to introduce to you.

At first, I do not see any changes, since part of the tripe is still Bragança tobacco; tobacco that General Cigar Co. draws from the Amazon rainforest, which is still harvested once every 3 years and comes out of the Amazon by dugout. The fermentation of this tobacco is also always done in carrots and for a period of 6 months.

So where is the novelty, if not why change the name of this module? This innovation is reflected in the name of the cigar: Extra Añejo 


STG's basic plans were to roll this cigar in 2021 and then let it sit for two years in the Spanish cedar aging rooms before releasing them in beautiful treasure chest style boxes like the original 2014 version.


In reality, while the Americans will have 104,400 cigars in this beautiful box by mid-January, we have received in Europe, a quantity of cigars that is unknown to me to this day, in beautiful more classic boxes, slide style.

Our cigars have had a good year and a half of rest.

This box is black and midnight blue, with simply the name of the cigars.

I have a fairly dark and simple wrapper with nice veins running through it, and the traditional band of the line is a tobacco rib; this is wrapped around the top of the cigar since we are in a Basin.

Come on, it's time to take the pirogue and travel on the Amazon River through Brazil and Colombia, and find the aromas that will reveal my tasting of the day.

I practice a straight cut. I pause during one of my tests to think about the King of Brazil and soccer, whose departure to the most beautiful stadium on earth I have just learned: bon voyage Pelé!

Raw, I have sensations of sweetness and red fruits. The foot sets on fire and it's off for what should be ± 90 min of pleasure...

As soon as I light up, I find the same amount of smoke that struck me when I tasted the Amazon Basin CAO; it is accompanied by freshly tanned leather, ferns, and white pepper.

The friend who participates in this test tasting, notes a moment a particular sensation indescribable but with the explanations that he gives me, we arrive at the following conclusion: there was a kind of alchemy between the tobacco and the Spanish cedar. It is not the usual cedar flavor: it is more refined.

At that moment, without really realizing it, I was sucked out of my dugout and found myself in the nurseries of the Monastery of Saint Remacle in Wavreumont, when I was helping the monks prune trees during a retreat, and the intense smell of pine caught my nostrils as the sap flowed abundantly.

This is the first time I've had that firkin-in-a-cigar feeling so intensely.

I leave again almost as fast as I arrived, to join this time other countries; I drag in my wake a minty savour.

I sit in the center of a huge bouquet made of coffee, clay, soft leather like cowhide, a little chocolate and brioche.


The ash is compact, and has a nice whitish color with gray streaks, the draft is perfect and the combustion good.

A thin layer of salt lines my lips while the flowery side takes center stage in my overactive imagination with this beautiful pleasure experience.

Around this plume of smoke, the flavors of red fruits, cream and hazelnuts gather like bees. All these sensations are interwoven with harmony and balance. It is not the retro-olfaction that will tell me otherwise.

Before I tell you about the size, the cepo and the different countries that contributed to this cigar, let me share with you something Ed Lahmann, Senior Brand Manager of CAO, said: When we launched Amazon Basin, we were the first in the world to use tobacco from the Amazon. Today, CAO Amazon Basin still stands out as one of the most important blends we've ever developed. Since we never rest on our laurels, we decided to take inspiration from the world of whiskey and age finished Amazon Basin cigars. The result is a refined, rounded smoke and an absolute pleasure to smoke.

The three tastings took place on Toro of 15.2 cm for a cepo of 52

Wrapper : Sumatra (Ecuador)

Binder : Nicaragua

Filler: Colombia, Dominican Republic and Bragança (Brazil)

In conclusion: I have never been disappointed by this range and once again I find that this limited edition is a success, I think that CAO has favorably joined the closed circle of producers who let their cigars rest in the best conditions; as if they were telling us "no need to make this cigar vintage, we will take care of it for you". So I can only strongly advise you to go to your STG PartnerShip to acquire this nugget.

Price at the time of writing: 15 euros 


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