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Avo Improvisation 22 Brown Blend (English)

The Closing Notes Avo Improvisation Outro 2022

Robusto Grande

Brown Blend

Avo Improvisation 2022


This is the 10ème time and the last time since 2015 that the House of Davidoff has released a cigar to celebrate the artistic life of Mr. Avo Uvezian.

We had the right in addition to very good cigars to packagings which were almost perfect as the box representing his first record player and which was also used as ashtray or this box which reminded his guitar cover or his piano... For this last edition, they close the loop with a return of the piano, so expensive to this artist.

Avo Improvisation

The wooden box is wrapped in a black hammered wrapper with a large black and gold sticker strip that features the name of the range and the famous brand logo.

Avo improvisation

When you lift the flap, which opens a bit like the part that protects a piano keyboard, you discover engraved on the box a silhouette of a characteristic Avo with his hat and a quote: It is not the legacy you leave that counts but the one you share.

Avo improvisation 22

And on the flap that symbolizes the keyboard it says: Two distinct blends in Robusto Grande format ensure that no matter what tempo you want, the Outro Improvisation (musical part at the end of a song) will bring the score of each tasting to a harmonious moment.

And finally the box contains 22 cigars (for 2022), 11 golden blend and 11 brown blend.

Already that deserves a moment of contemplation, very beautiful work of research and development.

Tonight, I'm sharing my tasting of the Brown Blend.

I have a wrapper that attracts me, I like its dark side, its visible veins, its hardness of a cigar well filled but not too tight, a happy medium. To the touch the wrapper is a bit rough and it doesn't have a lot of oil. Well, I think I'm going to be on cloud nine again; yes I know, I'm not totally impartial with this brand.

After preparing the matches and the adapted ashtray, I practice a straight cut, and I decide to boycott the cold draw.

I crack the match and set fire to the foot of my vitola which in return gives me a perfect ignition. The amount of smoke is quite large which tells me that I need to slow down as soon as my moment of pleasure begins. I am quickly taken towards large stretches of dry earth in which we have traced furrows of black pepper more and more fine as my combustion progresses.

I can feel the presence of an oak grove nearby because my land bears the traces of it.

In less time than it takes to say it, I am immersed in my memories when the winds brought the pleasant smells of the Black Cat coffee factory to my area; I am also traversed by dark chocolate and cinnamon.

Avo Improvisation

At that moment, I saw a strange phenomenon: while my lips are covered with a light film of salt, the first part of my mouth is bathed in a creaminess of cookies, while the back to the beginning of the throat is filled with black pepper and cinnamon.

The combustion is perfect, the density of smoke is quite important.

I am in a medium power (I think influenced by this difference in flavors that literally cuts my mouth in two).

But it wouldn't be an Avo if it stayed there: I'm still in the black keys of the piano, so I'm still well into the (greasy this time) soil of the #Sol with its majestic oaks and its stream of cream, when a bevy of other flavors spread here and there: leather, almond, cane sugar, cocoa.

This amalgam of flavors slightly increases the power that titillates the medium-strength.

I think I'm at the end of my day's tasting life, with an urge to shout Waow, what a good time!

The tasting was done on a cigar of cepo 55 for a length of 14 cm.

Cape : Ecuador

Sub-cape : Mexico

Tripe : Dom. Rep. and Nicaragua

In conclusion: like all the limited editions, this cigar will unfortunately be in one shot and with a production of only 4290 boxes for the world consumption. It is also with a certain sadness that I learned the end of this Improvisation range, because even if the more classic Avo ranges remain very good cigars, Improvisation had nevertheless an irrefutable plus.

I once again had a great time with this cigar (I actually recommended it) and I can't wait to give you my review of the Golden.

In the meantime, I frankly invite you to go to your favorite civet shop to make your own impressions and don't hesitate to leave me your feedback in comments under this article.


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